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Cleanliness Guidelines: Communicating to Staff


Communicating cleanliness to your staff is more important than ever before. These cleanliness guidelines employees and customers healthy, so that your restaurant can continue offering great food and service!

Cleanliness Guidelines: Communicating to Staff

As your restaurant prepares to reopen for in-person dining, it’s more important than ever before to be sure that your staff is aware of what’s expected of them. As a general guideline, it’s important to make sure that you’re clear and transparent when communicating guidelines to staff. We’ve gathered some general tips that will help you guide your staff towards a safe reopening.

Cleanliness Guidelines for Hand Washing

We recommend increasing mandatory hand washing to twice per hour rather than once. This simple cleanliness guideline will help to lessen the chance of any spread of germs among kitchen staff and waitstaff alike. This will keep your valuable workers as well as your customers extra-safe.

Cleanliness Guidelines For Sanitation 

Bathrooms, counters, door handles, and other high-touch areas require more frequent cleaning in order to prevent the spread of any lingering germs. Make sure that all members of your staff, not just janitorial, are trained in proper cleaning measures so that this task never goes uncompleted.

Wellness Checks

Completing a wellness check upon arriving at the workplace is one of the best measures you can take to make sure that no employee that’s can spread any illness to other employees or guests. It’s also extremely important that wellness checks include checking if not only your employee is feeling ill, but also if any members of the household they live in are feeling ill. Consider touchless temperature checks if you have the resources.

What to do if a Staff Member feels Sick at Work

It’s also important to communicate the process that staff members should take if they begin to feel sick at work. Above all, encourage staff to immediately remove themselves from the area of the restaurant. Then, they should proceed to inform the manager via cell phone of the situation. This will minimize the spread of any illness that the staff member may have to other employees or customers.

Sick Leave

Your sick leave policy should always be clear, but it’s more important than ever in times like these! Make sure that all of your staff is informed of what sick leave policies are in place for them to use. This will further encourage any employee that isn’t feeling well to stay away from work.

Above All, Stay Positive when Communicating Cleanliness Guidelines!

When communicating cleanliness guidelines to your staff, it’s important to be transparent and positive. You’re the one that dictates the way that your staff reacts and responds to rules and procedures in the workplace. Make sure that everyone knows that you’re all in this together!

We hope that these tips were helpful to you as you work to create a safe workplace environment as customers begin to return to health-informed indoor dining!

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