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Reset Business Goals: Reenergize for Reopening

Great news! Your restaurant is getting ready to reopen! There’s a lot to do and a ton to think about, but it’s important to take a step back and take a good look at your business’s goals and objectives. Taking time to reset business goals can be a great way to re-energize and help ensure a successful reopening.

Reset Business Goals

Even though your business is able to reopen, there are still a ton of unknowns relating to the pandemic. And there are likely restrictions on the services your restaurant can offer and the amount of customers you can serve. These restrictions could change at any time, and although you likely don’t want to think about it, there’s even a chance that your restaurant could be forced to temporarily close yet again.

But don’t worry! All of this just means that you need to have a flexible approach to goal-setting in this changing environment. Staying adaptable in your business goals and objectives will serve you and your employees well. Remember that the most important goals to focus on are short-term and for the present moment. Nobody can predict the future, so don’t waste your energy trying! Instead, work on short-term goals and objectives for your business that will help your reopening go as smoothly as possible. After you’ve got a solid footing, you can move to looking at the larger picture for the months ahead.

Some great examples of goals that your business may want to focus on are the ones that will help you reopen safely. Developing clear PPE and social distancing policies will help with this! You can also set goals for promotions you’d like to run in the near future, like hosting a trivia night or offering a specialized menu to draw guests back in.

Performance Indicators

A new way of operating your business means new performance indicators to look at and analyze. Shifting the way you think about your business’s performance is necessary when your business is operating extremely differently than it was previously! We recommend emphasizing building great customer relationships in the months ahead. Creating a sense of credibility and becoming a business that people feel they can trust means that you’ll need to be transparent and honest.

Your customers care about your business and want to see you succeed. Make sure that your customers know that your business values their feedback! Developing and growing a strong base of loyal customers is essential to your business’s success. Prioritize this as you develop your business’s new goals and objectives.

Your restaurant likely has already implemented digital menus and mobile ordering. A great bonus feature of these systems is that they offer a great way to track analytics and data all in one place.

Although the future is uncertain, setting short-term goals and building great relationships with customers are two of the things that will help your business be most successful in the coming months. Good luck, we’re all rooting for you!

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