sides of salad

Menu Add-Ons: How Desserts and Appetizers can Serve Up Success

There are four basic types of menu add-ons: desserts, appetizers, drinks, and sides. While they all serve different functions, they all have one thing in common: they’re optional. So the biggest task for you is to persuade your customers to order these items from your menu! 

How can you do that? There are several different ways to make ordering a menu add-on more appealing for your customers! Remember, it’s important to make sure that add-ons are being promoted to all of your customers, including those ordering for take-out and delivery.


Creating combos or deals that include add-ons are a great way to persuade customers who might usually skip appetizers or desserts to add them to their order. We like the idea of having combos on weeknights, where traffic is slower, or at lunchtime. This is because a combo deal can actually do double duty for your restaurant! It can work as a promotion, and also as a way to wrap in add-on items. Customers will be excited to come in when they know they can get an appetizer, dessert, and an entree for one flat price.

Make sure to calculate prices for combo promotions carefully to make sure that your restaurant isn’t losing money. You want the total to be less than it would cost customers to order all of the items separately, but not so low that it costs you more to make the items than your customers are buying them for. 

Premium Sides

If your restaurant is like most, many of your dishes (like sandwiches, burgers, and steaks) come with a standard side, like fries. You might offer your customers the option to swap this side for other options, like a vegetable, cup of soup, or mashed potatoes. An easy way to upgrade your side dishes and bring in some more revenue is to also offer “premium” sides. For a dollar or so more, your customers can “upgrade” to a “premium” side, like a loaded baked potato, sweet potato fries, or a Ceasar salad.

Menu Add-Ons for Events

Events, like restaurant trivia nights, are a great opportunity to craft up specialty add-ons. Knowing that an item is limited-time only is a great way to persuade your customers to give it a try! This trick is also a great one to use for holidays, or as a part of your restaurant’s seasonal menu. Rotating menus are also a great way to implement new and creative desserts, drinks, appetizers, and sides.

Creating a delicious array of menu add-ons is a great way to help your restaurant be successful! We hope that these tips will help your restaurant or bar use add-ons to your best advantage!

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