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Social Media Ads: How to Advertise Your Reopening

Great news! Your restaurant is getting ready to reopen! But are you ready to make your reopening as successful as it can be? Using social media ads to let people know that you’re back in business is an effective way to draw in new and old customers alike. However, advertising with social media can be tricky. We’ve gathered some great tips and guidelines to help you out!

Who To Target with Social Media Marketing

Social media advertisements only work if they’re reaching the right people. So, who are the right people for YOUR ads? Unless you’re advertising the reopening of a nationwide chain, your audience is likely going to be relatively limited. Maybe this means to your county, region, or state. If you run a bar, you might want to target slightly older audiences or adults without young children. You can target demographics like this within the advertising settings on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 

How to set Audiences

Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms have an abundance of tools. These tools will allow you to customize the audiences that your advertisements are targeting. You can even build custom audiences based on customer lists that you already have. These lists may be ones such as your newsletter subscribers or based on traffic to your restaurant’s website. These are great strategies to make sure that longtime loyal customers are aware of your reopening.

Use Social Media Ads to Advertise Events, Deals, and Specials

Advertising your reopening itself is a great place to start, but you can get even more creative! Consider targeted advertisements that promote an event, such as a trivia night, that your restaurant or bar is hosting near the time that you’ll be reopening. This is a great way to draw in new and old customers alike. Loyal patrons will be delighted to see that your establishment is back in business. Plus, other locals who haven’t given you a try in the past will be intrigued by the upcoming event.

You can also advertise deals and reopening specials, as well as seasonal menu items, in your reopening announcement ads. Every little bit helps to bring customers rushing back!

Use Hashtags and Be Active

In addition to your targeted ads, make sure that you’re also utilizing all of the other tools that social media has to offer, like hashtags specific to your cuisine type and local area. These will help even more customers discover your restaurant! Plus, people who see your social media ads and click on your page will want to see an active, well-maintained social media presence, so make sure to keep updating your feed with images and info about restaurant happenings.

Using targeted social media ads to inform customers of your reopening is one of the best ways to ensure your success! We hope that these tips are helpful to you–best of luck!

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