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Restaurant Social Media & Live Events Go Hand in Hand

If your restaurant is like most, you probably put on your fair share of live events–trivia nights, tasting parties, and more! Events like these are a great way to draw in customers. You can get even more mileage out of your restaurant events by harnessing the power of social media. Your restaurant’s social media accounts are your go-to place for sharing all sorts of content. Don’t forget about your live events when posting! In this post, we’ll teach you all about the pairing of restaurant entertainment and restaurant social media, from advertising to event photography.

Great news! Your restaurant is getting ready to host a live event! Whether it’s a tasting event, open mic, talent show, or a trivia night (our favorite!), using your social media before, during, and after the event is important. You probably already know that using your restaurant’s social media to advertise restaurant events is effective. But are you looking for some creative ways to use social media to draw in more guests to your events than ever before? And would you like to learn how hosting one event can make all the events that follow even more successful? With social media, it’s easy! Here are our top tips.

Advertising Your Event on Your Restaurant’s Social Media

When it comes to advertising for events on social media, you want to make sure that information is accessible. This will ensure that potential attendees know all they need to. You can use websites such as Canva to create simple digital info cards for your event. If you’re hosting a trivia night with Deliver Me Trivia, we’ll provide all of the social media materials you need to easily market your event! We also suggest creating a Facebook event. This is especially good if your restaurant entertainment event is a one-time event and not a regularly recurring one. Facebook events are great because they allow potential interested guests to share the event with their family and friends. This will lead to more interest and higher attendance! Facebook events also help you gauge potential attendance numbers so you can estimate supply amounts and be prepared.

Photo Opportunities at Restaurant Events

Social media posting isn’t just for advertising restaurant entertainment! Social media is also great because it allows you to share the fun that guests had at your most recent event. People browsing your social media page will see photos from the fun events you’ve recently held, they’ll be more likely to attend your next one. Make sure to snap lots of photos of guests, activities, and the food at your events! It’s good practice to ask guests if it’s alright to photograph them and share the images to social media.

Don’t Forget About Videos!

One of the great things about social media is the wide variety of media that can be shared. Sharing videos from your events along with images allows you to capture the energy and environment!

We hope that these tips are helpful to you as you use restaurant social media to promote your restaurant entertainment events!

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