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Restaurant Entertainment: What’s Best for Business?

With so many options for restaurant entertainment events these days, it can be difficult to know what the best choice is for your business. From trivia games to live music and even more creative options, there’s so much to choose from! Restaurant entertainment events are great because they help to drive traffic to your restaurant, which in turn helps to increase revenue. Plus, they create a fun experience for your diners in general and improve satisfaction.

When choosing which types of events to host at your restaurant, you may wonder if some are better than others. What exactly is considered “good” restaurant entertainment? In this blog post, we’ll explore some entertainment options that have been proven to be successful.

Host a Restaurant Video Game Night

Hosting a retro video game night in your restaurant is definitely a good restaurant entertainment option. Although an event like this requires a bit of work to get set up and organized, a video game night will appeal to older and younger guests alike! Check out our previous post on this type of event in order to get some tips on how a retro video game night can be a good restaurant entertainment event for your business.

Photo Booths for Restaurant Entertainment

A photo booth night is a great restaurant entertainment option! Not only is it fun for your customers, it also will likely boost social media engagement. Photos that end up on Instagram will help to draw more customers in the future. Photo booth events are also a great way to celebrate a new Instagram wall! You can rent a classic photo booth that prints photo strips for your customers. Alternatively, you can use a standard camera or even a smartphone setup and a small photo printer. Just make sure to do a test run in advance to prevent any technical difficulties.

Restaurant Enterteinment: Live Music

Live music is perhaps the most classic form of restaurant entertainment to exist. Live music is great because it gives local bands and musicians a place to perform and reach a wider audience. It also draws people who already love the band to your restaurant. This makes hosting live music events in your restaurant a great option for everyone involved! One of our top tips for hosting live music restaurant events is to be careful with timing. Weekends are great for live music, but wait until later in the evening, after families with young children have typically left, to start the tunes. 

Open Mic Nights Also Provide Good Restaurant Entertainment

Open mic nights or talent shows are wonderful ways to give the stage to local talent and let performers shine. We’ve written an entire post on successfully hosting a talent show or open mic night. Check it out to make your event go off without a hitch!

Trivia Night

Of course, our favorite type of restaurant entertainment is trivia! Trivia nights are reliable ways to drive restaurant traffic and revenue. Subscription services make them easier than ever before! We hope that the tips outlined in today’s post are helpful to you when planning your restaurant’s next entertainment event.

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