
New Restaurant Customers: Draw in Gen-Z Guests

Members of Gen-Z are usually defined as people born in the mid-to-late nineties to the early 2010s. This generation is currently in their teens and twenties, and they’re exactly the crowd of customers that your restaurant should focus on drawing in! But appealing to Gen-Z can be tricky. Today, we’ll give you some tips that will have your restaurant crowded with young people in no time!

Teenagers and twenty-somethings are the ideal crowd for your restaurant. They usually travel in groups of friends, which means more sales for you. They also make up 23% of the US population, so harnessing their purchasing power is undoubtedly a good move. But targeting them can be difficult. Gen-Z grew up with technology, and they’re consuming more media every day than any generation before them. Making your mark on their social media feeds and IRL can feel like a daunting task. Luckily, there are some surefire ways to make sure that your restaurant stands out to the younger crowd.

Social Media is the Place to Be for Attracting New Restaurant Customers

Okay–you probably already know this. And Gen-Z aren’t the only potential customers that can be targeted through social media marketing. But getting new restaurant customers in their teens and twenties to actually take action from your advertising is tough. After all, this generation grew up online, and they can smell cheesy, over-the-top marketing campaigns from a mile away. The secret to standing out is to be real.

Don’t Just be a Brand, be a Personality

The younger crowd loves social media because, unlike television and print media, it feels like the closest thing to “real life”. Attention-grabbing headlines and commercial-sounding ad copy doesn’t resonate with these consumers. Instead, be authentic! Show your restaurant’s quirky side in your advertising. Give customers a look into what it’s really like to be on the other side of your restaurant. Staff features, behind-the-scenes clips, and more can make your restaurant feel personable. 

Go Where They Go

It’s not enough to just be on social media. You need to be on the platforms where this generation hangs out. Most of the younger crowd isn’t swapping Facebook shares and likes with their parents’ crew. Instead, they’re on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok–places for bite-sized content that gets the message across quickly. 

Be Quirky to Attract New Restaurant Customers

Having something that your restaurant is known for, be it an Instagram wall or a super-photogenic giant sundae, will be enough to draw customers in for the photo ops alone. New restaurant customers may come for these somewhat gimmicky novelties, but they’ll stay for your excellent service and high-quality offerings. While catering to Gen-Z is different from the marketing you do to attract older customers, that doesn’t mean that you can put all your eggs in one basket. Strategic social media marketing and other ways to draw in the younger crowd can’t be the only steps you take! Make sure to continue offering impeccable experience and great restaurant service all-around in order to keep this new generation of consumers on your good side. It’s sure to pay off!

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