
How to Get Restaurant Media Coverage

If there’s one thing that all restaurants want, it’s more customers to discover them. But without attention from the media, it can be hard for new customers to get your business on their radar. Restaurant media coverage–the good kind!–can turn your restaurant’s quiet dining room into a city landmark overnight. 

Getting media attention from local critics, blogs, television stations, and newspapers starts with having something unique. Nobody is going to want to do a story on your restaurant if you’re just like everybody else. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how to attract journalists and harness the power of the media to create a buzz around your restaurant. 

Host a Special Event

Restaurant media coverage often centers around a restaurant event. Adding a fun new event to your restaurant’s calendar can be a great way to draw attention. Consider events like a talent show, open mic night, and more. You can spice up events that your restaurant hosts regularly, like trivia nights, by inviting a local celebrity in to host. Anything out of the ordinary has the chance to pique the interest of a curious journalist. Events always require good advertising in advance, but it’s even more important when you’re trying to get the attention of the media. So, make sure that you get the word out!

Add A Unique Menu Item for Restaurant Media Covereage

Adding a head-turning dish to your menu is another great way to attract media attention. Consider unusual ingredients or larger-than-life entrees. Dishes that are photogenic and over-the-top are exactly what journalists are looking for. A great photo-op in print can do your restaurant wonders. You know the dishes that have every table turning their heads when the waiter carries them across the restaurant? Those are the ones that the media will be interested in, too. Again, make sure to advertise the new addition well in local circles to make sure that it’s brought to the right people’s attention!

Partner with a Good Cause

Partnering with a good cause, like a local charity, youth sports team, or school is always great for your restaurant’s reputation. Helping your community not only makes you feel good, it also can help you make it big. The media loves good, heartwarming stories, so helping out a great cause is definitely a solid option if you’re looking to make it big. Even if you don’t get the media attention you’re hoping for, you can still be satisfied knowing that you make a difference in your restaurant’s hometown. That’s something that people will be sure to remember.

Host a VIP Tasting Party for Restaurant Media Coverage

A great way to get restaurant media coverage is to just invite them! Hosting a VIP tasting party is a great way to gather reviews from unbiased sources and attract customers by getting media coverage. Before you release new seasonal dishes, throw a VIP media event and invite all sorts of local journalists. You never know what could happen! Maybe you’ll make the front page.

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