
Holiday Events for Restaurants: Community Outreach

The holiday season is upon us, and you know that this time of the year is an important one for businesses, especially restaurants. You’re focused on sales, marketing techniques, and discounts that will draw in the crowds. But there’s more to the holiday season than just maximizing profits. Holiday events for restaurants can unite you with your community and customer base. They can also help to make a difference this holiday season. Today, we’ll give you some ideas for creating a mission that resonates with the area your restaurant calls home.

Why Host Holiday Events for Restaurants

Restaurant events are a great way to bring people together. When your restaurant event is for a good cause, spirits will be higher than ever. Try leading a mission that directly impacts your local community. This helps strengthen the bond your business has with its customer base. During the holiday season, people are usually more willing than ever to donate their time and energy to helping others out. That’s why hosting community outreach restaurant events during the holiday season is such a great idea. It leaves a positive impact on the community. And it also makes for a memorable experience that will help your restaurant in the long run.

Donate to a Local Food Bank or Soup Kitchen

If you’re looking to help out, look in your community for a local soup kitchen or food pantry. See if there’s any way that your restaurants’ facilities can be put to use to prepare meals that can be served to families during the holiday season. Also, collecting pre-packaged and canned food to donate is always a great option. You could consider offering promotions like a free appetizer to guests who donate five or ten items.

Bar Trivia Programs Can Be Great Community Events

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that trivia events are our go-to when it comes to hosting a fun restaurant event that builds community. This is no less true when it comes to restaurant holiday events, and our bar trivia quiz delivery service has some great themed rounds. But why not couple the idea of a fantastic trivia event with an event that makes an impact?

There are many ways that you can raise money in your restaurant. Having a “cover charge” for playing trivia on one particular night might sound like it would deter people from coming to your event at all, especially if your trivia nights are usually free to play, as we recommend. But we’ve found that the answer lies in strategic marketing. Hosting a special trivia event, maybe on a busier night of the week than usual, and advertising that all funds raised will be donated to a good cause can create separation from this special event and your usual trivia nights. You’re likely to see some of your regular players, but lots of new faces, too. We recommend matching donations with the money paid or donated by your customers.

We hope that these ideas for hosting impactful holiday events in your restaurant are inspiring to you. It’s the season of giving–make your restaurant a shining example of what it means to give back to your local community!

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