food delivery

Food Delivery: Replace Costly Services AND Keep Your Employees

Food delivery has become more essential than ever in current times, but creating a delivery system that works for your business can be tricky and expensive. Today we’re offering some tips for training your employees who aren’t able to perform their designated roles to become delivery drivers.

How to Replace Costly Food Delivery Services AND Keep Your Employees!

As a restaurant owner, you’re likely doing everything you can these days to keep your staff employed. You’re also trying to adapt your business to a changing environment. The good news is that you can do both of these things at once! Offering food delivery service is a great way to reach more customers. However, it can also be costly. Today we’re offering some tips for training your waitstaff and other workers to become delivery drivers.

Customer Service for Food Delivery

Just as if they were working in your restaurant, it’s important for drivers to look professional. This means wearing a uniform and sticking to an established dress code. Of course, they should also treat customers the same way they would if they were dining in-house. Drivers should use common courtesy while driving. This means not blocking sidewalks or driveways with their vehicles.

Food Delivery Software

Does your restaurant use an app to track deliveries? If not, consider switching over. An all-in-one platform for navigation, communication, and order info streamlines the process. This will save time while your drivers are on the road, keeping your customers happy. Satisfied customers will be more likely to order again, so do everything in your power to make sure that things are right!


Train your drivers on how to load their vehicles efficiently. They should consult their delivery route while driving to make sure that early deliveries are loaded last so they’re easily accessible. Make sure that your drivers’ vehicles have room for all the items and are free from odors to keep the food fresh. Also, ensure that food stays at the proper temperature by using insulated bags. Bags can also help food containers from getting opened or damaged along the journey.

Safety and Health

Keeping drivers safe and healthy is super important. Just because drivers don’t have direct contact with food doesn’t mean that it’s any less essential to stay home if they aren’t feeling well. Make sure that every driver has hand sanitizer in their car to use before and after dropping off an order. When delivering items, remind drivers to stay in well-lit areas and to lock their car when exiting it to walk up to a house on foot. 

Training your existing workforce to become delivery drivers is great for everyone. Your staff will appreciate getting to keep their jobs and your business will have a greater chance of surviving these trying times. We hope that some of these tips were useful to you as you navigate this new frontier! We know you can do it!

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